Company Profile

Basin Asphalt Products offers its clients first-class products, whether their needs are for a large or small project. With a central location having access to major trucking routes, Basin makes it convenient for its customers to have ready access to top quality materials.


Recycle Asphalt

According to a study published by the Federal Highway Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency, asphalt pavement is America's most recycled product. The asphalt industry recycles 80.3 million tons of its own product every year, the largest tonnage of any industry. In addition, asphalt's 80% recycling rate is higher than any other material's. Basin Asphalt Products is proud to be a part of this environmental effort. We accept asphalt for recycling.

All of our hot mix designs use virgin material our use for RAP is on truck yards and heavy use areas processed with asphalt emulsion it makes for a great yard or road .

Quick Contact Info.

Basin Asphalt Products

2000 E 42nd St. Ste. C310
Odessa, TX 79762

2605 N CR 1287
Midland TX 79707
on Hwy 1788 1 mile North of 191
PH: 432-563-6244


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